Johann Mitlöhner, 2014-2020
The programming language PHP (Personal Homepage; PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) is widely used in websites that employ server-side programming (cf. w3techs).
Server-side means that the code is executed on the server; the client (the web browser) only sees the result i.e. the HTML output of the PHP code.
On Linux systems the PHP module for the Apache web server and additional software for PostgresQL database access can be installed (if necessary) with the package manager, e.g. in Debian/Ubuntu/Mint packages libapache2-mod-php and php-pgsql. For the R examples you also need the R software.
Typical web server configuration:
In your public_html directory create a file such as hello.php and enter the following code:
Hello from PHP: <?php echo 'Hello World!'; ?>
In your browser enter the following into the location bar to access that page (note that some web servers use different URL patterns for user web pages):
In our current configuration:
Usually the web server is configured to read a file index.html or index.php as default for a directory; in that case you can leave out the file name from the URL.
PHP sections are marked like this: <?php some-code-goes-here ?>
A useful summary of PHP related details is available via
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
The following script produces a list of products from a PostgresQL database table prod:
<?php include 'header.php'; ?> <h2>Products</h2> <table> <tr><th>ID<th>Name<th>Price<th> <?php $query = 'select id, name, price from prod'; $result = pg_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error()); while ($x = pg_fetch_object($result)) { echo "<tr> <td> $x->id <td> $x->name <td align=right> $x->price <td> \n"; } pg_free_result($result); pg_close($dbconn); ?> </table>
Note that
The content of our header.php is:
<?php $dbconn = pg_connect("host=myhost dbname=mydb user=myuser password=mypw") or die('Could not connect: ' . pg_last_error()); ?> <meta charset=utf-8> <link rel=stylesheet href=style.css>
The connection to the database is made; obviously you have to supply your own credentials for dbname, user and password. This file will be executed on the server; the browser will not see the PHP code with the password, only the output (the meta tag and the stylesheet link).
Charset and Encoding
The meta/charset line is used for UTF-8 encoded text containing non-ASCII characters, e.g. German umlauts.
Nowadays all application components (Postgres database, Apache web server, PHP processor, and browser) should interpret UTF-8 correctly. However, the character set in the browser is often set to other defaults, such as ISO 8859-1; in that case non-ASCII characters such as German umlauts are displayed incorrectly; such problems are avoided by
The style sheet style.css contains common layout options for all web pages of this application to provide a consistent look. Here is a very simple example:
body { margin: 5%; }
The option margin for the element body is set to 5%. Other options for HTML elements are set in a similar fashion, e.g. background colors and font sizes.
Of course you can put other PHP and HTML statements in the header.php file as well, e.g. a menu list or icons and banners. If you want similar elements at the bottom of the page you can include a trailer.php file. By combining included files and CSS you can easily create a uniform and professional look for your application.
Entering data is a two-step process:
The first step is static HTML only: