Machine Learning with Neural Nets in Python
Johann Mitloehner, 2019-23
Jupyter notebooks are used in the examples. You can
- access the JupyterHub server of the institute in your web browser from the
WU Learn page 'Lernaktivitaeten' (learning activities) for your course. Or,
- install Jupyter on your own computer; on the command line type:
- JupyterLab: pip install jupyterlab and to launch: jupyter-lab
- Notebook only: pip install notebook and to launch: jupyter notebook
Find more datasets e.g. at:
chatGPT Alternatives
Many people flock to the new AI search and chat engines based on GPT3 and 4, however, note that
in the popular implementations
- Big Tech companies force you to login, or even use their own browser
- You may be forced to use an account that is tied to your real identity
- Much about you as a person can be derived from the course of a conversation
- You are supplying those Big Tech companies with a large amount of personal data
You do not have to relinquish your privacy to use this type of services.
There are alternatives that (at least at the time of writing) do not force you to go through a login: