{\rtf1\ansi {\fonttbl {\f0 Times New Roman;} {\f2 Courier;}} \f0 \fs40 \b RTF Table Example \b0\par\par \fs25 Here is a list of articles as RTF table: \par\par \trowd \cellx1000 \cellx3000 \cellx4000 ID \cell Description \cell Price \cell \row \trowd \cellx1000 \cellx3000 \cellx4000 1024 \cell Lever \cell 12.90 \cell \row \trowd \cellx1000 \cellx3000 \cellx4000 2012 \cell Wheel \cell 5.50 \cell \row \pard\plain \par\par\fs25 End of table. And now switch to Courier font: \par\par\f2\fs25 This line is set in Courier font. \f0\fs25\par\par Back to Times New Roman. And now \b bold face \b0 and back to normal. And \i italics \i0 and back to normal. }